Friday, January 20, 2012

Rolling to Better Mobility and Stability

A few patients lately have met the "rolling pattern" suggestion for treatment (SFMA).  These patients have usually presented with a multi-segmental rotation limitation which I have found either to be a thoracic restriction or hip restriction or simply a motor firing dysfunction.  It has been interesting to see the quick progress in maintaining thoracic or hip mobility with the rolling techniques, decreasing the frequency of visits the patient needs to be seen secondary to a decrease in frequency of hands on manual techniques needed, and the improvement in motor function when the patient focuses on the detail of the movement utilizing bolsters or working in partial ranges, as needed, to truly strengthen through the limitation/abolish the impairment.  Since there is such a push to be efficient in care, if you haven't tried these exercises, give them a try.  If you're familiar with them and have some words of wisdom on cueing patients or other progression of rolling exercise, please share your thoughts.
This video clip shows rolling from prone to supine using lower extremity only.
This video clip shows rolling from prone to supine using upper extremity only and a bolster for assistance.
This video clip shows rolling supine to prone using lower extremity only.
This video clip shows rolling supine to prone using upper extremity only.

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